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Teacher Accounts


Teacher Search

  • District and Campus Administrators - or - Managers can use the Teacher section in Utilities to: search for, view, add, edit and delete teacher accounts or send out password reset emails.

  • To locate Teachers, use the search filters on the left of the page.  Make sure to select a Campus first. You can also put in partial first or last names to narrow down the list.

  • Teachers are listed by name, email and the total number of classes and students they have.

  • For each Teacher, use the icons to:  View (see classes and students); Edit (update name, username, email, passwords, etc.); Email (sends a password reset link);, Login (this will help you provide technical support); or, Delete (this can only be done if the teacher doesn’t have any class schedules).

  • Use the Email icon on the top right of the page to send out a password reset link to all Teachers appearing on the Search.

  • Click the Print icon on the top right to create a document that includes the Teacher’s TSDS number, Name, Username, Password and how many times they have logged in.

Adding Teachers & Locked Classes

  • NOTE: Teacher accounts are automatically created when your school uploads a Class Roster data file. You can manually add teachers by clicking on the Add icon on the top right of the Teacher Search page. When doing so, you will have to lock the Teacher’s information if you do not want it to be replaced when the next Class Roster is submitted.

  • After clicking Add, complete the teacher’s information and click Save. It’s important that you use the correct Local and State ID numbers so that you do not get duplicate records in DMAC.

  • On the next screen, click the Add button to create classes for the newly added Teacher. Select the Campus from the drop-down and then complete the rest of the fields on the page.

  • LOCKED CLASSES: When creating a new class for a Teacher, the Lock Class option must be checked if you do not want it to be removed with the next Class Roster upload. This is also a good option if you are trying to give a Teacher access to students who are not linked to them via your Student Management System (ex: an Intervention teacher or counselor).

  • Copy Class: In Utilities > click the Teachers tab

    • Click the magnifying glass for the Teacher of Record

    • Click the Copy button

    • On the left-hand side of the screen, check the Inclusion Teacher's name

    • Check the box for each class they need access to

    • Click Copy at the bottom of the screen to create a locked class for an inclusion teacher that will remain in place until the class is deleted. This will not update with class roster file imports.

  • ADD STUDENTS: Click the Add button to add Students to the Class. (If this class was created for Observation purposes only, you do not have to add students). Search by Last Name and Grade and click Search. Check next to student names and click Add Students. Click the Close icon (red x) when all students for a class have been entered.

Replace a Teacher

  • To replace a Teacher’s classes and students with another Teacher, use the Teacher section from the top navigation bar in Utilities. (Example: You may need to do this if a teacher leaves in the middle of the year)

  • First locate the Teacher on the Search page (using the filters on the left)  and click on the View icon to the right of their name.

  • Click on the Replace button on the top of the page. Select a Campus from the top drop-down and Identify the Replacement Teacher from the list on the left.

  • Check on the class(es) you wish to transfer to the new Teacher and then click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

  • To open the replacement teacher’s information after saving, check the option at the bottom. You will see the new classes and attached students appear on the Teacher’s page in Utilities.

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