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PGP High School

Courses Tab

  • Assign courses to plan by clicking the Add Courses icon. 

  • Select Content or Program from the drop-down. Toggle between both areas using the drop-downs to change the content areas or program of study in order to add courses for a student.  (By selecting Program, it populates the templates created in Settings). 

  • Add courses quickly by selecting the grade (MS, 09, 10, 11 12). Added courses appear on the right of the window; click OK to continue.

  • Core Courses are color-coded >> ELA - blue/gray; Math - light blue; Science - green; and, Social studies - yellow/green.

  • If needed, click the red X to delete a course when hovering over the name.

  • Select Save icon when all courses have been assigned to a plan. 

  • A Changes box appears when modifying a plan. Text entered displays in the description field of the Audit section (left menu). You have the option to enter a comment to justify any changes to a  student’s plan (this is a mandate per HB5 legislation in Texas).

  • If a course is marked F/failed, a small icon appears allowing you to move that course to another grade level for completion. 

  • Completed courses will appear as lightly grayed out IF the course was given credit under the credits tab.

Credits Tab

Manually enter class credits for individual students as they are acquired on the credits tab.  Credits can also be entered using the Batch Operations feature for multiple students at one time from the Search screen in PGP-HS.. 

  • For each completed course, check the box for the corresponding time period. 

  • Notice the green highlighted areas correspond to the grade level choices for courses. 

NOTE: If you place more than one checkmark in a grade, it will add the credit values together after saving. Edit the credit total utilizing the drop-down feature in the Credits column.

  • I  = First Semester 

  • II = Second Semester 

  • S = Summer School/ Credit Recovery 

  • F = Failed Class 

  • The grade or percentage values may also be added in the column to the right. 

  • Select Save icon (top right) to record any changes made to credits earned and courses completed.

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