Text-to-Speech Settings

Online assessment items include Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities. A new feature (now available to schools upon request) improves performance and allows students to customize their TTS settings.  

Please Note: TTS is an individual test support that must be activated from the Supports page of Student Portfolio. Students will not have the capability unless TTS is selected for the specified content area for the test they are taking.

Students will see the Text-to-Speech settings screen before they start an online test. Changes can be made to the Voice, Volume, Pitch and Rate of speech. 

Sample changes by clicking the blue PLAY button and click Continue.

From Settings (top right button), students can select a different class or change their TTS Settings. This is accessible at any time throughout the test. Click Continue to start or return to the test.

From an online test, students who have the Speak icon will click it to enable TTS.  They can also select the change speech settings link to return to the Test Settings page. 


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